
Preliminary readings:

  • Huse (2009). The Value Creating Board: Corporate Governance and Organizational Behavior, Routledge (chapters 1-4 and 10-17)
  • Huse, M. (2011, December). The golden skirts: Changes in board composition following gender quotas on corporate boards. In Australian and New Zealand Academy Meeting, Wellington, NZ.
  • Johannisson and Huse (2000) Recruiting outside board members in the small family business: An ideological challenge. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development12(4), 353-378.
  • Seierstad, C., Warner-Søderholm, G., Torchia, M., & Huse, M. (2017). Increasing the number of women on boards: The role of actors and processes. Journal of Business Ethics141(2), 289-315.
  • Huse, et al various papers in progress will be handed out


Qualitative research steps:

  1. Data management: from data collection to data analysis
  • Moving from data collection to data analysis
  • Important questions on how to manage your data:
  • What to do with filed notes
  • From recordings to transcripts


Tessier, S. (2012). From field notes, to transcripts, to tape recordings: Evolution or combination? International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 11(4), 446-460.

  1. Data reduction
  • Data display, matrices, etc.
  • From data to case summary


Verdinelli, S., & Scagnoli, N. I. (2013). Data display in qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 12(1), 359-381.

  1. Qualitative content analysis
    1. Theoretical background of qualitative content analysis
    2. Basic principles & methods of qualitative content analysis
    3. Procedures of qualitative content analysis
    4. Exercise with QCAmap

Please create an account for QCA map ( prior to the summer school and have your login details at hand for our workshop!


Mayring, P. (2000). Qualitative Content Analysis. Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 1(2), Art. 20, (obligatory)

Mayring, P. (2014). Qualitative content analysis: Theoretical foundation, basic procedures and software solution. Social Science Open Access Repository. (additional literature)

Schreier, M. (2012). Qualitative content analysis in practice. Los Angeles, CA: Sage Publications. (additional literature)

  1. Data interpretation
  • From case summary to findings
  • From findings to discussion
  • Keeping track of your data analysis process with Longitudinal Mind Maps


Srivastava, P., & Hopwood, N. (2009). A practical iterative framework for qualitative data analysis. International journal of qualitative methods, 8(1), 76-84.

Srivastava, P., & Hopwood, N. (2018). Reflection/Commentary on a Past Article:“A Practical Iterative Framework for Qualitative Data Analysis” http://journals. sagepub. com/doi/full/10.1177/160940690900800107. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 17(1), 1609406918788204.

Abdul-Khalid, S. N. (2009). Sensemaking in interpretive management accounting research: Constructing a credible account. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 8(1), 41-53.

  1. Disseminating qualitative research findings


  • McNulty, T., Zattoni, A., and Douglas, T., 2013. “Developing corporate governance research through qualitative methods: a review of previous studies”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 21(2): 183-198
  1. Publishing management and corporate governance studies
  • Data display, matrices, etc.
  • From data to case summary


Zattoni, A. and Van Ees, H., 2012. “How to contribute to the development of a global theory of corporate governance? Reflections from submitted and published articles on CGIR”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 20 (1): 106-118.

  1. Current trends in CG research


Kumar, P., Zattoni, A., 2019, “Farewell editorial: Exiting editors’ perspective on current and future challenges in corporate governance research”, Corporate Governance: An International Review, 27(1), 2-11.